"If we do not listen to God's Word and really HEAR it, we will start to DRIFT.
Neglect always leads to drifting, in things material and physical as well as spiritual.
As we drift from the Word, we start to DOUBT the Word, because FAITH comes by hearing the Word of God. We start to get hard hearts, and this leads to spiritual sluggishness, which produces DULLNESS toward the Word. We become "dull of hearing" --- lazy listeners! This leads to a SPITEFUL attitude toward the Word to the extent that we willfully DISOBEY God, and this gradually develops into a DEFIANT attitude --- we almost "dare" God to do anything!
Excerpt from "Be Confident" Live by Faith, Not by Sight commentary by Warren Wiersbe
Dec 22, 2011
Dec 21, 2011
For nothing will be impossible with God -- Luke 1:37
This verse has a lot of meaning for Jacqueline and I. For those of you who don't know our story, in the middle of our dating relationship, in the middle of a deployment, I turned into a schmuck and dumped Jacqueline in an email. Fast forward to the end of the deployment, God providentially reconnected us and this is the verse that I held onto while God redeemed our relationship ultimately ending up in us getting married.
Our pastor, during a part of his series "Christmas Cousins," elaborated on this small piece of text in a big way. So next time you are struggling with something big in your life, and you think God is not big enough, hold on to Luke 1:37 and the commentary for it below:
Gabriel isn’t just quoting scripture . . . he’s also speaking as an eyewitness.
He stood in the presence of God. He knew.
He had seen countless miracles throughout the previous centuries.
He had watched at the dawn of human history as God created with spectacular colors more than a hundred billion galaxies.
He had watched God craft a man out of dust and a woman out of bone;
He was there when God created the animal kingdom both seen and still yet to be discovered by human observation;
Gabriel has seen the manna fall and the waters part;
He’s seen time stand still;he’s watched lions mouths muzzled and fiery furnaces air-conditioned.
Mary, nothing is impossible with God. And he should know.
He’s watched God take the life of every first born Egyptian and then and spark life in the womb of a barren woman;
he’s seen God float iron to the surface of water and bring repentance to the hearts of an entire nation;
he’s watched God send a chariot of fire from heaven to bring His prophet home and
he’s seen God tear open the earth and send His enemies to the fires of torment below.
He’s seen God in all His terror and in all His glory.
Mary, let me tell you what I know and what I’ve seen. Nothing is impossible with God.
Jumping for Joy 12/18/2011 Luke 1:26-80 by Steven Davey
Our pastor, during a part of his series "Christmas Cousins," elaborated on this small piece of text in a big way. So next time you are struggling with something big in your life, and you think God is not big enough, hold on to Luke 1:37 and the commentary for it below:
Gabriel isn’t just quoting scripture . . . he’s also speaking as an eyewitness.
He stood in the presence of God. He knew.
He had seen countless miracles throughout the previous centuries.
He had watched at the dawn of human history as God created with spectacular colors more than a hundred billion galaxies.
He had watched God craft a man out of dust and a woman out of bone;
He was there when God created the animal kingdom both seen and still yet to be discovered by human observation;
Gabriel has seen the manna fall and the waters part;
He’s seen time stand still;he’s watched lions mouths muzzled and fiery furnaces air-conditioned.
Mary, nothing is impossible with God. And he should know.
He’s watched God take the life of every first born Egyptian and then and spark life in the womb of a barren woman;
he’s seen God float iron to the surface of water and bring repentance to the hearts of an entire nation;
he’s watched God send a chariot of fire from heaven to bring His prophet home and
he’s seen God tear open the earth and send His enemies to the fires of torment below.
He’s seen God in all His terror and in all His glory.
Mary, let me tell you what I know and what I’ve seen. Nothing is impossible with God.
Jumping for Joy 12/18/2011 Luke 1:26-80 by Steven Davey
Dec 20, 2011
Dec 15, 2011
That's my Jesus!!! A TRUE servant leader
We all consider ourselves "servant leaders." Do we really know what that means or looks like?
Check out this sermon given by Voddie Baucham "Leading as a Servant" at the Truth & Life Conference 2011. Below is an excerpt:
His first act as a servant leader:
The Creator of the universe, wraps Himself in human flesh, not only that, but He submits Himself as an obedient Son not only to sinful parents, but to parents that sinned against Him, not only to sinful parents that sinned against Him, but sinful parents He created who sin against Him. And He submits to them in everything.
Christ the servant leader, takes upon the sins of those whom He serves and He dies in their stead, but WHY???
For His Father's Glory!!!
Does He get exalted, yes He does...by His Father...AFTER He dies.
So then, you and I as servant leaders...what do we do???
We give ourselves away as slaves, and we serve those to whom we have been called. Experiencing humiliation if necessary in the process. Why? So eventually we can become well known?
No. So that Christ, may be glorified in the lives of those whom we serve.
When that happens, not only do you not turn it around and seek the higher position of notoriaty, but you're actually terrified of it. Because it makes it more and more difficult to be humble. And when people come up to you and say "How much you meant to me" and when a servant leader hears that, the one thing that goes through their mind is, "Oh how terrible it would be for me to take that into myself and rob God of His Glory."
Servant leadership is not about becoming rich or well known, its about you making much of Christ, and He will not share His Glory with another.
We all consider ourselves "servant leaders." Do we really know what that means or looks like?
Check out this sermon given by Voddie Baucham "Leading as a Servant" at the Truth & Life Conference 2011. Below is an excerpt:
His first act as a servant leader:
The Creator of the universe, wraps Himself in human flesh, not only that, but He submits Himself as an obedient Son not only to sinful parents, but to parents that sinned against Him, not only to sinful parents that sinned against Him, but sinful parents He created who sin against Him. And He submits to them in everything.
Christ the servant leader, takes upon the sins of those whom He serves and He dies in their stead, but WHY???
For His Father's Glory!!!
Does He get exalted, yes He does...by His Father...AFTER He dies.
So then, you and I as servant leaders...what do we do???
We give ourselves away as slaves, and we serve those to whom we have been called. Experiencing humiliation if necessary in the process. Why? So eventually we can become well known?
No. So that Christ, may be glorified in the lives of those whom we serve.
When that happens, not only do you not turn it around and seek the higher position of notoriaty, but you're actually terrified of it. Because it makes it more and more difficult to be humble. And when people come up to you and say "How much you meant to me" and when a servant leader hears that, the one thing that goes through their mind is, "Oh how terrible it would be for me to take that into myself and rob God of His Glory."
Servant leadership is not about becoming rich or well known, its about you making much of Christ, and He will not share His Glory with another.
Dec 8, 2011
"And the peace of God..."
During our Bible study of Philippians this morning, my brothers and I were working on Philippians 4:4-7. We kinda camped out on verse 7 a bit and discussed a little more thoroughly "the peace of God" and "guard your hearts." It was rich and we were able to work through to the understanding that God had intended. Afterwards, I was killing some time at our Seminary Library and decided to pickup the Word Biblical Commentary, by Hawthorne and Thomas Nelson publishers. If you haven't read any of the Christian classics published by Thomas Nelson, you ought to. They do a fantastic job of introducing you to the authors.
Anyway…to the point. I went straight to the section that we kinda parked on this morning and I wanted to share some deep stuff I read. Through this commentary God had reaffirmed what He helped us glean during our study this morning, but the section regarding "the peace of God" blew me away. I always understood as a believer I would know peace, but I'm here to tell you, the level of peace that Paul is referring to in this verse is BEYOND comprehension.
I wanted to share Enjoy.
“the peace of God,” This expression is found nowhere else in the NT. With it Paul is not referring to the peace with God that the Philippians had as a result of their being justified by faith in Christ, such peace is presupposed. Nor is he exclusively referring to that “inward peace of soul which comes from God, and is grounded in God’s presence and promise…the fruit of believing prayer.” Paul seems here to be referring to the tranquility of God’s own eternal being, the peace that God himself has, the calm serenity that characterizes God’s very nature and that grateful, trusting Christians are welcome to share.
“will stand guard over your thoughts and feelings in Christ Jesus.” The verb "guard" is a military term picturing God’s peace as a detachment of soldiers “standing guard over” a city so as to protect it from attack. Philippi in Paul’s time housed a Roman garrison. Thus the metaphor would have been easily understood and appreciated by the Philippian Christians who read it: God’s peace, like a garrison of soldiers, will keep guard over our thoughts and feelings so that they will be safe against the assaults of worry and fear as any fortress.
“heart,” in the NT never means the physical organ that pumps the blood. Nor is it used solely to refer to the center of one’s emotions (Rom 9:2; 10:1; 2 Cor 2:4; Phil 1:7). It is sometimes used to describe the source of thought and moral choice—that which “gives impulse and character to action. Here, Paul places heart alongside thought, grammatically in such a way as to distinguish the one from the other “your hearts and your thoughts” heart, very likely has its meaning narrowed to the “seat of one’s emotions or deepest feelings” or simply to the “emotions” and “feelings” themselves. Thoughts, however, are the products of the “mind” and hence thoughts.
During our Bible study of Philippians this morning, my brothers and I were working on Philippians 4:4-7. We kinda camped out on verse 7 a bit and discussed a little more thoroughly "the peace of God" and "guard your hearts." It was rich and we were able to work through to the understanding that God had intended. Afterwards, I was killing some time at our Seminary Library and decided to pickup the Word Biblical Commentary, by Hawthorne and Thomas Nelson publishers. If you haven't read any of the Christian classics published by Thomas Nelson, you ought to. They do a fantastic job of introducing you to the authors.
Anyway…to the point. I went straight to the section that we kinda parked on this morning and I wanted to share some deep stuff I read. Through this commentary God had reaffirmed what He helped us glean during our study this morning, but the section regarding "the peace of God" blew me away. I always understood as a believer I would know peace, but I'm here to tell you, the level of peace that Paul is referring to in this verse is BEYOND comprehension.
I wanted to share Enjoy.
“the peace of God,” This expression is found nowhere else in the NT. With it Paul is not referring to the peace with God that the Philippians had as a result of their being justified by faith in Christ, such peace is presupposed. Nor is he exclusively referring to that “inward peace of soul which comes from God, and is grounded in God’s presence and promise…the fruit of believing prayer.” Paul seems here to be referring to the tranquility of God’s own eternal being, the peace that God himself has, the calm serenity that characterizes God’s very nature and that grateful, trusting Christians are welcome to share.
“will stand guard over your thoughts and feelings in Christ Jesus.” The verb "guard" is a military term picturing God’s peace as a detachment of soldiers “standing guard over” a city so as to protect it from attack. Philippi in Paul’s time housed a Roman garrison. Thus the metaphor would have been easily understood and appreciated by the Philippian Christians who read it: God’s peace, like a garrison of soldiers, will keep guard over our thoughts and feelings so that they will be safe against the assaults of worry and fear as any fortress.
“heart,” in the NT never means the physical organ that pumps the blood. Nor is it used solely to refer to the center of one’s emotions (Rom 9:2; 10:1; 2 Cor 2:4; Phil 1:7). It is sometimes used to describe the source of thought and moral choice—that which “gives impulse and character to action. Here, Paul places heart alongside thought, grammatically in such a way as to distinguish the one from the other “your hearts and your thoughts” heart, very likely has its meaning narrowed to the “seat of one’s emotions or deepest feelings” or simply to the “emotions” and “feelings” themselves. Thoughts, however, are the products of the “mind” and hence thoughts.
Dec 7, 2011
That's Deep!!
"After this had transpired the blood of these people, although misled, fell so hot on my heart that I could not stand it, nor find rest in my soul. I reflected upon my unclean, carnal life, also the hypocritical doctrine and idolatry which I still practiced daily in appearance of godliness, but without relish. I saw that these zealous children, although in error, willingly gave their lives and their estates for their doctrine and faith. And I was one of those who disclosed to some of them the abominations of the papal system. But I myself continued in my comfortable life and acknowledge abominations simply in order that I might enjoy physical comfort and escape the cross of Christ."
The Theology of the Cross or Theology of Glory?
Martin Luther called any theology that tried to discover God through human reason unaided by supernatural grace and the gift of faith a "Theology of Glory," or Glory of Man.
"The theology of glory, then, is a human-centered theology that leads to an overestimation of natural human power and ability. The theology of the cross shows the true condition of humans as helpless sinners alienated from God in mind and heart and desperately in need of God’s rescue mission, the cross of Christ. The theology of glory implies that humans can pull themselves up to God by their own bootstraps, so to speak, and leads to projects of self-salvation and theological speculation. The theology of the cross proclaims that humans are totally dependent and unable to figure out anything about God apart from God’s own self-disclosure and leads to discipleship marked by suffering for God and others." (Olsen, 382).
Martin Luther called any theology that tried to discover God through human reason unaided by supernatural grace and the gift of faith a "Theology of Glory," or Glory of Man.
"The theology of glory, then, is a human-centered theology that leads to an overestimation of natural human power and ability. The theology of the cross shows the true condition of humans as helpless sinners alienated from God in mind and heart and desperately in need of God’s rescue mission, the cross of Christ. The theology of glory implies that humans can pull themselves up to God by their own bootstraps, so to speak, and leads to projects of self-salvation and theological speculation. The theology of the cross proclaims that humans are totally dependent and unable to figure out anything about God apart from God’s own self-disclosure and leads to discipleship marked by suffering for God and others." (Olsen, 382).
Dec 1, 2011
Spartan, what will you gain by this victory?
Check out this quote from John MacArthur's commentary on Romans:
A victor at an ancient Greek olympic game is said to have been asked, "Spartan, what will you gain from this victory?" He replied, "I, sir, shall have the honor to fight on the front line for my king."
MacArthur says, "That should typify everyone for whom Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior."
"The Lord never provides conversion without commission."
Check out this quote from John MacArthur's commentary on Romans:
A victor at an ancient Greek olympic game is said to have been asked, "Spartan, what will you gain from this victory?" He replied, "I, sir, shall have the honor to fight on the front line for my king."
MacArthur says, "That should typify everyone for whom Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior."
"The Lord never provides conversion without commission."
Nov 23, 2011
The "world" is but a great inn
Thomas Watson, a Puritan theologian and church
leader, said,
“The world is but a great inn, where we are to lodge a night or two, and be gone; what madness is it to set our heart upon this inn, and forget our home.”
leader, said,
“The world is but a great inn, where we are to lodge a night or two, and be gone; what madness is it to set our heart upon this inn, and forget our home.”
Oct 19, 2011
Dulins and Team are Guatemala Bound
I am counting on you to be in prayer for me, my wife and our missions trip team as we prepare to head to Guatemala for a missions trip. Below are a list of the activities and members.
I am counting on you to be in prayer for me, my wife and our missions trip team as we prepare to head to Guatemala for a missions trip. Below are a list of the activities and members.
Guatemala Team Members
Kelly Richardson
James Lashley
Andy Richardson
Diane Richardson
Travis Richardson
Rachel Miller
J.P. Polinsky
Dave Babb
David Babb
Jacque Dulin
Danny Dulin
Stewart Eastep
Tom Cooney
Saturday, October 22 Team members arrive in Guatemala City at various times throughout the day. Pray for coordination in pickup and transportation to the team staging area. Pray also that all the dental supplies team members are transporting in their luggage will clear customs without any problems.
Sunday, October 23 Worship in Guatemala City at La Iglesia Camino Y Verdad, pastor Andy is preaching. The team will travel 4 hours into rugged highland terrain (6,000+ ft elevation) to Piedras Grandes, a village area. Pray that there will be no rains and that the roads will be passable.
Monday-Tuesday, October 24-25 Dental clinic evangelism in Piedras Grandes. Pray for physical endurance for the dentists, patience for the team members supporting them, and wisdom and enthusiasm for the team evangelists. Pray that many people will respond in faith to the gospel.
Wednesday, October 26 Travel back to Guatemala City... safety. Pray for Andy and Tom as they engage in pastoral counseling for an on-going situation for a local family in the church.
Thursday, October 27 Convoy into Ciudad Quetzal, a drug-gang controlled area of the city that is very dangerous. The team will set up a dental clinic in a new church (Casa Mana) starting with mostly women and children. Pray for a good response to the gospel and for safety coming back out at night
Friday, October 28 Convoy back to Ciudad Quetzal and the team’s preparations for a large children’s concert in the afternoon with Chochy Ruano, recording artist. The team will canvas the neighborhood extending invitations to children for the concert, which could be both the most exciting and dangerous part of the whole trip.
Saturday, October 29 Pray for a safe return to the USA
Kelly Richardson
James Lashley
Andy Richardson
Diane Richardson
Travis Richardson
Rachel Miller
J.P. Polinsky
Dave Babb
David Babb
Jacque Dulin
Danny Dulin
Stewart Eastep
Tom Cooney
Saturday, October 22 Team members arrive in Guatemala City at various times throughout the day. Pray for coordination in pickup and transportation to the team staging area. Pray also that all the dental supplies team members are transporting in their luggage will clear customs without any problems.
Sunday, October 23 Worship in Guatemala City at La Iglesia Camino Y Verdad, pastor Andy is preaching. The team will travel 4 hours into rugged highland terrain (6,000+ ft elevation) to Piedras Grandes, a village area. Pray that there will be no rains and that the roads will be passable.
Monday-Tuesday, October 24-25 Dental clinic evangelism in Piedras Grandes. Pray for physical endurance for the dentists, patience for the team members supporting them, and wisdom and enthusiasm for the team evangelists. Pray that many people will respond in faith to the gospel.
Wednesday, October 26 Travel back to Guatemala City... safety. Pray for Andy and Tom as they engage in pastoral counseling for an on-going situation for a local family in the church.
Thursday, October 27 Convoy into Ciudad Quetzal, a drug-gang controlled area of the city that is very dangerous. The team will set up a dental clinic in a new church (Casa Mana) starting with mostly women and children. Pray for a good response to the gospel and for safety coming back out at night
Friday, October 28 Convoy back to Ciudad Quetzal and the team’s preparations for a large children’s concert in the afternoon with Chochy Ruano, recording artist. The team will canvas the neighborhood extending invitations to children for the concert, which could be both the most exciting and dangerous part of the whole trip.
Saturday, October 29 Pray for a safe return to the USA
Oct 17, 2011
"Let the memory of all your sins grieve you..."
...and especially lament and bewail your daily transgressions.
Men, I was reading in Imitation of Christ a chapter that was describing how to examine your conscience before participating in the Lord's Supper. Thomas a' Kempis is a Roman Catholic, so in the book he's referring to Holy Communion, but it doesn't change the context of how we should be examining ourselves and repenting before participating in the Lord's Supper.
I found it interesting, though, how he said "especially lament and bewail your daily transgressions." At night when I pray, I try to remember to repent and ask forgiveness for specific sins I committed for that day. I don't always do to great a job recalling the day's sins, but a' Kempis gives a good list to run down that NAILS me. See how you fare.
Lament and grieve because you are still so worldly, so carnal, so passionate and unmortified, so full of roving lust, so careless in guarding the external senses, so often occupied in many vain fancies, so inclined to exterior things and so heedless of what lies within, so prone to laughter and dissipation and so indisposed to sorrow and tears, so inclined to ease and the pleasures of the flesh and so cool to austerity and zeal, so curious to hear what is new and to see the beautiful and so slow to embrace humiliation and dejection, so covetous of abundance, so stingy in giving and so tenacious in keeping, so inconsiderate in speech, so reluctant in silence, so undisciplined in character, so disordered in action, so greedy at meals, so deaf to the Word of God, so prompt to rest and so slow to labor, so awake to empty conversation, so sleepy in keeping sacred vigils and so eager to end them, so wandering in your attention, so careless in saying the office, so lukewarm in celebrating, so heartless in receiving, so quickly distracted, so seldom fully recollected, so quickly moved to anger, so apt to take offense at others, so prone to judge, so severe in condemning, so happy in prosperity and so weak in adversity, so often making good resolutions and carrying so few of them into action.
Thomas a Kempis (2009). Imitation of Christ - Enhanced Version (Kindle Locations 2687-2691). Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Kindle Edition.
Men, I was reading in Imitation of Christ a chapter that was describing how to examine your conscience before participating in the Lord's Supper. Thomas a' Kempis is a Roman Catholic, so in the book he's referring to Holy Communion, but it doesn't change the context of how we should be examining ourselves and repenting before participating in the Lord's Supper.
I found it interesting, though, how he said "especially lament and bewail your daily transgressions." At night when I pray, I try to remember to repent and ask forgiveness for specific sins I committed for that day. I don't always do to great a job recalling the day's sins, but a' Kempis gives a good list to run down that NAILS me. See how you fare.
Lament and grieve because you are still so worldly, so carnal, so passionate and unmortified, so full of roving lust, so careless in guarding the external senses, so often occupied in many vain fancies, so inclined to exterior things and so heedless of what lies within, so prone to laughter and dissipation and so indisposed to sorrow and tears, so inclined to ease and the pleasures of the flesh and so cool to austerity and zeal, so curious to hear what is new and to see the beautiful and so slow to embrace humiliation and dejection, so covetous of abundance, so stingy in giving and so tenacious in keeping, so inconsiderate in speech, so reluctant in silence, so undisciplined in character, so disordered in action, so greedy at meals, so deaf to the Word of God, so prompt to rest and so slow to labor, so awake to empty conversation, so sleepy in keeping sacred vigils and so eager to end them, so wandering in your attention, so careless in saying the office, so lukewarm in celebrating, so heartless in receiving, so quickly distracted, so seldom fully recollected, so quickly moved to anger, so apt to take offense at others, so prone to judge, so severe in condemning, so happy in prosperity and so weak in adversity, so often making good resolutions and carrying so few of them into action.
Thomas a Kempis (2009). Imitation of Christ - Enhanced Version (Kindle Locations 2687-2691). Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Kindle Edition.
Oct 13, 2011
Christ is forming the Heavenly Crown
MY CHILD, in this life you are never safe, and as long as you live the weapons of the spirit will ever be necessary to you. You dwell among enemies. You are subject to attack from the right and the left. If, therefore, you do not guard yourself from every quarter with the shield of patience, you will not remain long unscathed. Moreover, if you do not steadily set your heart on Me, with a firm will to suffer everything for My sake, you will not be able to bear the heat of this battle or to win the crown of the blessed. You ought, therefore, to pass through all these things bravely and to oppose a strong hand to whatever stands in your way. For to him who triumphs heavenly bread is given, while for him who is too lazy to fight there remains much misery. If you look for rest in this life, how will you attain to everlasting rest? Dispose yourself, then, not for much rest but for great patience. Seek true peace, not on earth but in heaven; not in men or in other creatures but in God alone. For love of God you should undergo all things cheerfully, all labors and sorrows, temptations and trials, anxieties, weaknesses, necessities, injuries, slanders, rebukes, humiliations, confusions, corrections, and contempt. For these are helps to virtue. These are the trials of Christ’s recruit. These form the heavenly crown. For a little brief labor I will give an everlasting crown, and for passing confusion, glory that is eternal. Do you think that you will always have spiritual consolations as you desire? My saints did not always have them. Instead, they had many afflictions, temptations of various kinds, and great desolation. Yet they bore them all patiently. They placed their confidence in God rather than in themselves, knowing that the sufferings of this life are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to come. And you—do you wish to have at once that which others have scarcely obtained after many tears and great labors? Wait for the Lord, act bravely, and have courage. Do not lose trust. Do not turn back but devote your body and soul constantly to God’s glory. I will reward you most plentifully. I will be with you in every tribulation.
Thomas a Kempis (2009-04-19). Imitation of Christ - Enhanced Version (Kindle Locations 1836-1843). Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Kindle Edition.
Thomas a Kempis (2009-04-19). Imitation of Christ - Enhanced Version (Kindle Locations 1836-1843). Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Kindle Edition.
Where is the "eye of your intention" directed
Many of you of you know that I am taking a Seminary class and through the required reading, I have found many jewels of God's wisdom that have encouraged and inspired me. I'm sure that each time I've posted about the jewels I've noted that the current jewel was more precious than the previous one. I'm sure also that I will continue to do that. Let me say now...My bad, but I want to share a new jewel with you. It is indeed precious and may prove not to be as precious as the next that I discover, but this one is special because it proves to me once again that my Heavenly Father is right beside me and at the ABSOLUTE PRECISE moment I need a word from Him, He delivers causing tears of joy to flow freely no matter where I am. Not a word I personally think I need, but what He knows I need.
I had my first exam this Wednesday night and I did fine. Fine meaning I tested fine, however, I did not do fine leading up to it. I was a mess, stressed out and full of anxiety that I would not do well. I wrapped myself around this exam and was basing my value in this exam. Did He come to my rescue, no. Did I ask Him to, shamefully I confess no. I can offer the excuse the enemy had me too wrapped up in the stress and concern of doing well on the exam, but I don't believe that's true. I believe that God was letting me lean on my own understanding because I basically, because I didn't take it to Him in prayer, told Him I didn't need Him, that I had it under control. I suffered for it.
The exam and studying for it is over. Now I have to get back to my reading of Thomas 'a Kempis' Imitation of Christ. In this book he often uses a dialogue between Christ and a believer and identifies Christ talking with the section title "The Voice of Christ." I open to where I left off Chapter 33 "Restlessness of Soul-Directing Our Final Intention Toward Christ." This is where I find the Jewel...The Voice of Christ speaking directly to my heart and reminding me how I failed in preparation for my exam. Enjoy:
MY CHILD, do not trust in your present feeling, for it will soon give way to another. As long as you live you will be subject to changeableness in spite of yourself. You will become merry at one time and sad at another, now peaceful but again disturbed, at one moment devout and the next indevout, sometimes diligent while at other times lazy, now grave and again flippant. But the man who is wise and whose spirit is well instructed stands superior to these changes. He pays no attention to what he feels in himself or from what quarter the wind of fickleness blows, so long as the whole intention of his mind is conducive to his proper and desired end. For thus he can stand undivided, unchanged, and unshaken, with the singleness of his intention directed unwaveringly toward Me, even in the midst of so many changing events. And the purer this singleness of intention is, with so much the more constancy does he pass through many storms. But in many ways the eye of pure intention grows dim, because it is attracted to any delightful thing that it meets. Indeed, it is rare to find one who is entirely free from all taint of self-seeking. The Jews of old, for example, came to Bethany to Martha and Mary, not for Jesus’ sake alone, but in order to see Lazarus. The eye of your intention, therefore, must be cleansed so that it is single and right. It must be directed toward Me, despite all the objects which may interfere.
Thomas a Kempis (2009-04-19). Imitation of Christ - Enhanced Version (Kindle Locations 1799-1801). Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Kindle Edition.
Many of you of you know that I am taking a Seminary class and through the required reading, I have found many jewels of God's wisdom that have encouraged and inspired me. I'm sure that each time I've posted about the jewels I've noted that the current jewel was more precious than the previous one. I'm sure also that I will continue to do that. Let me say now...My bad, but I want to share a new jewel with you. It is indeed precious and may prove not to be as precious as the next that I discover, but this one is special because it proves to me once again that my Heavenly Father is right beside me and at the ABSOLUTE PRECISE moment I need a word from Him, He delivers causing tears of joy to flow freely no matter where I am. Not a word I personally think I need, but what He knows I need.
I had my first exam this Wednesday night and I did fine. Fine meaning I tested fine, however, I did not do fine leading up to it. I was a mess, stressed out and full of anxiety that I would not do well. I wrapped myself around this exam and was basing my value in this exam. Did He come to my rescue, no. Did I ask Him to, shamefully I confess no. I can offer the excuse the enemy had me too wrapped up in the stress and concern of doing well on the exam, but I don't believe that's true. I believe that God was letting me lean on my own understanding because I basically, because I didn't take it to Him in prayer, told Him I didn't need Him, that I had it under control. I suffered for it.
The exam and studying for it is over. Now I have to get back to my reading of Thomas 'a Kempis' Imitation of Christ. In this book he often uses a dialogue between Christ and a believer and identifies Christ talking with the section title "The Voice of Christ." I open to where I left off Chapter 33 "Restlessness of Soul-Directing Our Final Intention Toward Christ." This is where I find the Jewel...The Voice of Christ speaking directly to my heart and reminding me how I failed in preparation for my exam. Enjoy:
MY CHILD, do not trust in your present feeling, for it will soon give way to another. As long as you live you will be subject to changeableness in spite of yourself. You will become merry at one time and sad at another, now peaceful but again disturbed, at one moment devout and the next indevout, sometimes diligent while at other times lazy, now grave and again flippant. But the man who is wise and whose spirit is well instructed stands superior to these changes. He pays no attention to what he feels in himself or from what quarter the wind of fickleness blows, so long as the whole intention of his mind is conducive to his proper and desired end. For thus he can stand undivided, unchanged, and unshaken, with the singleness of his intention directed unwaveringly toward Me, even in the midst of so many changing events. And the purer this singleness of intention is, with so much the more constancy does he pass through many storms. But in many ways the eye of pure intention grows dim, because it is attracted to any delightful thing that it meets. Indeed, it is rare to find one who is entirely free from all taint of self-seeking. The Jews of old, for example, came to Bethany to Martha and Mary, not for Jesus’ sake alone, but in order to see Lazarus. The eye of your intention, therefore, must be cleansed so that it is single and right. It must be directed toward Me, despite all the objects which may interfere.
Thomas a Kempis (2009-04-19). Imitation of Christ - Enhanced Version (Kindle Locations 1799-1801). Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Kindle Edition.
Sep 20, 2011
Though he often sets traps for you...
I am finding many jewels of wisdom in this book Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis. In this particular chapter entitled "The Provider of a True Lover," a Kempis is writing a dialogue between Christ and a disciple (any of us). He is encouraging us how to handle the enemy when he sets traps for us. Check this out!
"He suggests many evil thoughts that he may cause you weariness and horror, and thus draw you away from prayer and holy reading. A humble confession displeases him and, if he could, he would make you omit Holy Communion. Do not believe him or heed him, even though he often sets traps to deceive you. When he suggests evil, unclean things, accuse him. Say to him:
'Away, unclean spirit! Shame, miserable creature! You are but filth to bring such things to my ears. Begone, most wretched seducer! You shall have no part in me, for Jesus will be my strength, and you shall be confounded. I would rather die and suffer all torments than consent to you. Be still! Be silent! Though you bring many troubles upon me I will have none of you. The Lord is my light, my salvation. Whom shall I fear? Though armies unite against me, my heart will not fear, for the Lord is my Helper, my Redeemer.'
Fight like a good soldier and if you sometimes fall through weakness, rise again with greater strength than before, trusting in My most abundant grace. But beware of vain complacency and pride. For many are led into error through these faults and sometimes fall into almost perpetual blindness. Let the fall of these, who proudly presume on self, be a warning to you and a constant incentive to humility."
Thomas a Kempis (2009). Imitation of Christ - Enhanced Version (Kindle Locations 1213-1216). Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Kindle Edition.
I am finding many jewels of wisdom in this book Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis. In this particular chapter entitled "The Provider of a True Lover," a Kempis is writing a dialogue between Christ and a disciple (any of us). He is encouraging us how to handle the enemy when he sets traps for us. Check this out!
"He suggests many evil thoughts that he may cause you weariness and horror, and thus draw you away from prayer and holy reading. A humble confession displeases him and, if he could, he would make you omit Holy Communion. Do not believe him or heed him, even though he often sets traps to deceive you. When he suggests evil, unclean things, accuse him. Say to him:
'Away, unclean spirit! Shame, miserable creature! You are but filth to bring such things to my ears. Begone, most wretched seducer! You shall have no part in me, for Jesus will be my strength, and you shall be confounded. I would rather die and suffer all torments than consent to you. Be still! Be silent! Though you bring many troubles upon me I will have none of you. The Lord is my light, my salvation. Whom shall I fear? Though armies unite against me, my heart will not fear, for the Lord is my Helper, my Redeemer.'
Fight like a good soldier and if you sometimes fall through weakness, rise again with greater strength than before, trusting in My most abundant grace. But beware of vain complacency and pride. For many are led into error through these faults and sometimes fall into almost perpetual blindness. Let the fall of these, who proudly presume on self, be a warning to you and a constant incentive to humility."
Thomas a Kempis (2009). Imitation of Christ - Enhanced Version (Kindle Locations 1213-1216). Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Kindle Edition.
Sep 19, 2011
Few Love the Cross of Jesus
I'm in a new book Imitation of Christ by Thomas A' Kempis. Though A' Kempis is a Roman Catholic, this book is full of admonishments, encouragements etc that are very applicable to our lives. The book is considered a classic, though if you read it you will find it to ebb and flow between Christian and Catholic Theology/Doctrine. Anyway...I wanted to share with you a very convicting chapter entitled "Few Love the Cross of Jesus." Enjoy!
JESUS has always many who love His heavenly kingdom, but few who bear His cross. He has many who desire consolation, but few who care for trial. He finds many to share His table, but few to take part in His fasting. All desire to be happy with Him; few wish to suffer anything for Him. Many follow Him to the breaking of bread, but few to the drinking of the chalice of His passion. Many revere His miracles; few approach the shame of the Cross. Many love Him as long as they encounter no hardship; many praise and bless Him as long as they receive some comfort from Him. But if Jesus hides Himself and leaves them for a while, they fall either into complaints or into deep dejection. Those, on the contrary, who love Him for His own sake and not for any comfort of their own, bless Him in all trial and anguish of heart as well as in the bliss of consolation. Even if He should never give them consolation, yet they would continue to praise Him and wish always to give Him thanks. What power there is in pure love for Jesus—love that is free from all self-interest and self-love! Do not those who always seek consolation deserve to be called mercenaries?
Do not those who always think of their own profit and gain prove that they love themselves rather than Christ? Where can a man be found who desires to serve God for nothing? Rarely indeed is a man so spiritual as to strip himself of all things. And who shall find a man so truly poor in spirit as to be free from every creature? His value is like that of things brought from the most distant lands.
If a man give all his wealth, it is nothing; if he do great penance, it is little; if he gain all knowledge, he is still far afield; if he have great virtue and much ardent devotion, he still lacks a great deal, and especially, the one thing that is most necessary to him. What is this one thing? That leaving all, he forsake himself, completely renounce himself, and give up all private affections. Then, when he has done all that he knows ought to be done, let him consider it as nothing, let him make little of what may be considered great; let him in all honesty call himself an unprofitable servant. For truth itself has said: “When you shall have done all these things that are commanded you, say: ‘we are unprofitable servants.’”
Then he will be truly poor and stripped in spirit, and with the prophet may say: “I am alone and poor.” No one, however, is more wealthy than such a man; no one is more powerful, no one freer than he who knows how to leave all things and think of himself as the least of all.
Thomas a Kempis (2009). Imitation of Christ - Enhanced Version (Kindle Locations 896-905). Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Kindle Edition.
I'm in a new book Imitation of Christ by Thomas A' Kempis. Though A' Kempis is a Roman Catholic, this book is full of admonishments, encouragements etc that are very applicable to our lives. The book is considered a classic, though if you read it you will find it to ebb and flow between Christian and Catholic Theology/Doctrine. Anyway...I wanted to share with you a very convicting chapter entitled "Few Love the Cross of Jesus." Enjoy!
JESUS has always many who love His heavenly kingdom, but few who bear His cross. He has many who desire consolation, but few who care for trial. He finds many to share His table, but few to take part in His fasting. All desire to be happy with Him; few wish to suffer anything for Him. Many follow Him to the breaking of bread, but few to the drinking of the chalice of His passion. Many revere His miracles; few approach the shame of the Cross. Many love Him as long as they encounter no hardship; many praise and bless Him as long as they receive some comfort from Him. But if Jesus hides Himself and leaves them for a while, they fall either into complaints or into deep dejection. Those, on the contrary, who love Him for His own sake and not for any comfort of their own, bless Him in all trial and anguish of heart as well as in the bliss of consolation. Even if He should never give them consolation, yet they would continue to praise Him and wish always to give Him thanks. What power there is in pure love for Jesus—love that is free from all self-interest and self-love! Do not those who always seek consolation deserve to be called mercenaries?
Do not those who always think of their own profit and gain prove that they love themselves rather than Christ? Where can a man be found who desires to serve God for nothing? Rarely indeed is a man so spiritual as to strip himself of all things. And who shall find a man so truly poor in spirit as to be free from every creature? His value is like that of things brought from the most distant lands.
If a man give all his wealth, it is nothing; if he do great penance, it is little; if he gain all knowledge, he is still far afield; if he have great virtue and much ardent devotion, he still lacks a great deal, and especially, the one thing that is most necessary to him. What is this one thing? That leaving all, he forsake himself, completely renounce himself, and give up all private affections. Then, when he has done all that he knows ought to be done, let him consider it as nothing, let him make little of what may be considered great; let him in all honesty call himself an unprofitable servant. For truth itself has said: “When you shall have done all these things that are commanded you, say: ‘we are unprofitable servants.’”
Then he will be truly poor and stripped in spirit, and with the prophet may say: “I am alone and poor.” No one, however, is more wealthy than such a man; no one is more powerful, no one freer than he who knows how to leave all things and think of himself as the least of all.
Thomas a Kempis (2009). Imitation of Christ - Enhanced Version (Kindle Locations 896-905). Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Kindle Edition.
Sep 11, 2011
Thou art not forever angry with us...
...for Thou hast compassion on our dust and ashes. Psalm 103:9-14 It was pleasing in Thy sight to reform my deformity, and by inward stings Thou didst disturb me so that I was impatient until Thou wert made clear to my inward sight. By the secret hand of Thy healing my swelling was lessoned, the disordered and darkened eyesight of my mind was from day to day made whole by the stinging salve of wholesome grief.
Confessions, Augustine
Confessions, Augustine
Sep 1, 2011
Let Us Love God
I am reading Confessions, by Augustine. I am here to tell you, EVERY Christian should read this book. Augustine can move you with words. The way that he describes God in the beginning, can leave you speechless.
I wanted to share a section entitled "Let Us Love God" that has moved me...makes you drop an AMEN!
If physical objects please you, praise God for them, but turn back your love to their Creator, lest, in those things which please you, you displease Him. If souls please you, let them be loved in God; for in themselves they are mutable, but in him firmly established--without him they would simply cease to exist. In him, then, let them be loved; and bring along to him with yourself as many souls as you can, and say to them: "Let us love him, for he himself created all these, and he is not far away from them. For he did not create them, and then go away. They are of him and in him. Behold, there he is, wherever truth is known. He is within the inmost heart, yet the heart has wandered away from him. Return your heart, O you transgressors, and hold fast to him who made you. Stand with him and you shall stand fast. Rest in him and you shall be at rest. Where do you go along these rugged paths Where are you going?
The good that you love is from him, and insofar as it is also for him, it is both good and pleasant. But it will rightly be turned to bitterness if whatever comes from him is not rightly loved and if he is deserted for the love of the creature. Why then will you wander farther and farther in the difficult and toilsome ways? There is no rest where you seek it. Seek what you seek; but remember that it is not where you seek it. You seek for a blessed life in the land of death. It is not there. For how can there be a blessed life itself is not?
But our very Life came down to earth and bore our death, and slew it with the very abundance of his own life. And, thundering, he called us to return to him into the secret place from which he came forth to us--coming first into the virginal womb, where the human creature, our mortal flesh, was joined to him that it might not be forever mortal--and came "as a bridegroom coming out his chamber, rejoicing as a strong man to run a race." For he did not delay, but ran through the world, crying out by words, deeds, death, life, descent, ascension--crying aloud to us to return to him. And he departed from our sight that we might return to our hearts and find him there. For he left us, and behold, he is here.
I am reading Confessions, by Augustine. I am here to tell you, EVERY Christian should read this book. Augustine can move you with words. The way that he describes God in the beginning, can leave you speechless.
I wanted to share a section entitled "Let Us Love God" that has moved me...makes you drop an AMEN!
If physical objects please you, praise God for them, but turn back your love to their Creator, lest, in those things which please you, you displease Him. If souls please you, let them be loved in God; for in themselves they are mutable, but in him firmly established--without him they would simply cease to exist. In him, then, let them be loved; and bring along to him with yourself as many souls as you can, and say to them: "Let us love him, for he himself created all these, and he is not far away from them. For he did not create them, and then go away. They are of him and in him. Behold, there he is, wherever truth is known. He is within the inmost heart, yet the heart has wandered away from him. Return your heart, O you transgressors, and hold fast to him who made you. Stand with him and you shall stand fast. Rest in him and you shall be at rest. Where do you go along these rugged paths Where are you going?
The good that you love is from him, and insofar as it is also for him, it is both good and pleasant. But it will rightly be turned to bitterness if whatever comes from him is not rightly loved and if he is deserted for the love of the creature. Why then will you wander farther and farther in the difficult and toilsome ways? There is no rest where you seek it. Seek what you seek; but remember that it is not where you seek it. You seek for a blessed life in the land of death. It is not there. For how can there be a blessed life itself is not?
But our very Life came down to earth and bore our death, and slew it with the very abundance of his own life. And, thundering, he called us to return to him into the secret place from which he came forth to us--coming first into the virginal womb, where the human creature, our mortal flesh, was joined to him that it might not be forever mortal--and came "as a bridegroom coming out his chamber, rejoicing as a strong man to run a race." For he did not delay, but ran through the world, crying out by words, deeds, death, life, descent, ascension--crying aloud to us to return to him. And he departed from our sight that we might return to our hearts and find him there. For he left us, and behold, he is here.
Aug 31, 2011
Messages from God
I was reading the transcript from a message heard on BBN's "Wisdom for the Heart" show, taught by Pastor Stephen Davey, and Pastor Davey was opening with sharing some billboard ads designed to promote messages from God. Pastor Davey only included a few, but there are over a dozen of them. I thought I'd share them with you. You may have heard of them, they're black with white letters that read:
Let's Meet at My House Sunday Before the Game.--God
C'mon Over and Bring the Kids.--God
What Part of "Thou Shalt Not ..." Didn't You Understand?--God
We Need to Talk.--God
Keep Using My Name in Vain And I'll Make Rush Hour Longer.--God
Loved the Wedding, Invite Me to the Marriage.--God
That "Love Thy Neighbor" Thing, I Meant It.--God
I Love You ... I Love You ... I Love You.--God
Will The Road You're on Get You to My Place?--God
Follow Me.--God
My Way Is the Highway.--God
Need Directions?--God
You Think It's Hot Here?--God
Tell the Kids I Love Them.--God
Have You Read My #1 Best Seller? There Will Be a Test.--God
I was reading the transcript from a message heard on BBN's "Wisdom for the Heart" show, taught by Pastor Stephen Davey, and Pastor Davey was opening with sharing some billboard ads designed to promote messages from God. Pastor Davey only included a few, but there are over a dozen of them. I thought I'd share them with you. You may have heard of them, they're black with white letters that read:
Let's Meet at My House Sunday Before the Game.--God
C'mon Over and Bring the Kids.--God
What Part of "Thou Shalt Not ..." Didn't You Understand?--God
We Need to Talk.--God
Keep Using My Name in Vain And I'll Make Rush Hour Longer.--God
Loved the Wedding, Invite Me to the Marriage.--God
That "Love Thy Neighbor" Thing, I Meant It.--God
I Love You ... I Love You ... I Love You.--God
Will The Road You're on Get You to My Place?--God
Follow Me.--God
My Way Is the Highway.--God
Need Directions?--God
You Think It's Hot Here?--God
Tell the Kids I Love Them.--God
Have You Read My #1 Best Seller? There Will Be a Test.--God
Fresh Start - Setbacks Happen
Setbacks happen to us all. Things don't go the way they should, and progress is stalled. Discouragement comes knocking at the door, and you are tempted to invite it in for the evening. Don't do it. Learn to see God's hand of grace even in the difficult times, like David did: “You prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies” (Psalm 23:5).
• Ask God to show you the silver lining of His grace in your dark cloud today.
God isn't fickle. He doesn't play tricks on His children. He isn't trying to mess with your mind. He doesn’t want you stuck in the pit of discouragement. Instead He wants you to trust Him even when the circumstances don't make sense. Job had to do that. So did all the great ones of the faith. Eventually, with God's help, your setback will turn into a comeback, and you will be able to say with David, “my cup overflows” (23:5). It is just a matter of time and patience.
• Ask God to show you the silver lining of His grace in your dark cloud today.
God isn't fickle. He doesn't play tricks on His children. He isn't trying to mess with your mind. He doesn’t want you stuck in the pit of discouragement. Instead He wants you to trust Him even when the circumstances don't make sense. Job had to do that. So did all the great ones of the faith. Eventually, with God's help, your setback will turn into a comeback, and you will be able to say with David, “my cup overflows” (23:5). It is just a matter of time and patience.
Aug 25, 2011
Cameron Horner Update 8/25/2011
New update from my buddy Kevin Knox regarding Cameron Horner.
I got some good news about him yesterday. They sat him up in a chair for the first time since his mishap. He LIKED this. They also stretched him out (part of physical therapy) and he did NOT like that! It HURT. My wife, being the BSN/RN, said this is probably a GOOD thing. He can pick up a glass now with his right hand, whereas when I visited the weekend following the accident he could NOT do this. I'm told that his spirits are HIGH. I also understand that as of yesterday he had spiked a temperature and that his blood pressure was slightly elevated.
Men...pray for this young man!! Pray for his faith. Pray for his dad's faith. This is the time when the enemy pounces and get's a foothold!!!!
New update from my buddy Kevin Knox regarding Cameron Horner.
I got some good news about him yesterday. They sat him up in a chair for the first time since his mishap. He LIKED this. They also stretched him out (part of physical therapy) and he did NOT like that! It HURT. My wife, being the BSN/RN, said this is probably a GOOD thing. He can pick up a glass now with his right hand, whereas when I visited the weekend following the accident he could NOT do this. I'm told that his spirits are HIGH. I also understand that as of yesterday he had spiked a temperature and that his blood pressure was slightly elevated.
Men...pray for this young man!! Pray for his faith. Pray for his dad's faith. This is the time when the enemy pounces and get's a foothold!!!!
Aug 18, 2011
Aug 16, 2011
Cameron Horner Update
I wanted to give you an update on the young man that I asked you to pray for Cameron Horner. My buddy Kevin provided us an update yesterday and I'll just pass on to you what he wrote us.
A bunch of us drove down to Wilmington yesterday to visit him and his family. From an “earthy” standpoint, things don’t look so hot! He broke, and compressed vertebrae at the C-3 region in his neck as well as severing his spinal cord. Doctor’s give “default” information based on what they can observe in conjunction with past experience and based on this, they say that he’ll never walk again. But the fact is that The Lord had plans for the young man BEFORE he injured himself and we’re not so big that we can thwart His plans. He has one more surgery scheduled today to insert stainless steel rods in his neck. Thursday, they’ll fly him down to Atlanta and he’ll start rehab at a center there.
So anyway… was talking to the young woman who rescued him (Christina) to find out EXACTLY what happened. She told me that him and her were on the dock and that there were signs ON the dock that said, “NO DIVING”. She’s a certified lifeguard. She said he dove in once and did just fine. She pointed to the sign and told him to CUT IT OUT and he told her that he knew how to shallow water dive, but she told him that from what she observed that he did NOT. Then he dove again and just didn’t come up like he did last time. She said she was just starting to become concerned when he came into view. She said this made her mad because young boys at her pool would pull pranks like this to get her attention (she’s VERY attractive). She jumped in and smacked Cameron on the leg HARD!... but there was no response. She smacked him again and then started to think that something was wrong. She carefully turned him over and he was blue, but very soon after that started breathing and talking to her. He told her that he couldn’t feel anything below his chest and that he was having a LOT of trouble moving his arms and legs. At this point she knew what happened and she screamed at the top of her lungs to a woman who was within sight to dial 911, and she floated him to slightly more shallow water and waited with him for EMS. If Cameron had been by himself, or if less observant or experienced people had been there, he’d most likely NOT be with us now.
We got to go in two at a time to visit him, for a few minutes each. They’ve got him mildly sedated because his head is in a “halo” in order to prevent movement. I went in with my oldest son Ben and we prayed for him and just told him we were glad he was alive! He was happy to see us and told us he loved us. He’s FULLY AWARE that he did something unwise, but his joy is INTACT. Molly didn’t go in. She just couldn’t do it. Cameron spends a fair amount of time at our house and it really hit home with Molly. Being an RN, she sees this sort of thing a LOT and it was just too much for her to see one of her own like this. But she visited and encouraged the Horner family.
He can’t swallow correctly just yet. They expect that will clear up as soon as the swelling in his neck decreases. They’re feeding him through an NG tube. He has motor control of his arms, but fine motor control of his hands just hasn’t returned yet. His right hand is better than his left. He was almost able to form a handshake with his right hand, but the left hand just won’t cooperate.
Christina told me that he dove into 4’ 8” of water. She and I think that his arms must have already been down past his head and that he struck his head on the top toward the front. He has NO markings on his forehead or top of his head from hitting anything and I asked him WHERE he plowed into the bottom! He said he just didn’t know! Christina said that the bottom was packed sand.
Several of us feel that he’ll walk out of the rehab center in Atlanta. I don’t know why we feel this way, but we do. At this point though there’s nothing any of us can do except help his family and keep him and them all up in prayer before The Lord.
I’ll keep you guys posted and thanks for praying.
… Kev
I wanted to give you an update on the young man that I asked you to pray for Cameron Horner. My buddy Kevin provided us an update yesterday and I'll just pass on to you what he wrote us.
A bunch of us drove down to Wilmington yesterday to visit him and his family. From an “earthy” standpoint, things don’t look so hot! He broke, and compressed vertebrae at the C-3 region in his neck as well as severing his spinal cord. Doctor’s give “default” information based on what they can observe in conjunction with past experience and based on this, they say that he’ll never walk again. But the fact is that The Lord had plans for the young man BEFORE he injured himself and we’re not so big that we can thwart His plans. He has one more surgery scheduled today to insert stainless steel rods in his neck. Thursday, they’ll fly him down to Atlanta and he’ll start rehab at a center there.
So anyway… was talking to the young woman who rescued him (Christina) to find out EXACTLY what happened. She told me that him and her were on the dock and that there were signs ON the dock that said, “NO DIVING”. She’s a certified lifeguard. She said he dove in once and did just fine. She pointed to the sign and told him to CUT IT OUT and he told her that he knew how to shallow water dive, but she told him that from what she observed that he did NOT. Then he dove again and just didn’t come up like he did last time. She said she was just starting to become concerned when he came into view. She said this made her mad because young boys at her pool would pull pranks like this to get her attention (she’s VERY attractive). She jumped in and smacked Cameron on the leg HARD!... but there was no response. She smacked him again and then started to think that something was wrong. She carefully turned him over and he was blue, but very soon after that started breathing and talking to her. He told her that he couldn’t feel anything below his chest and that he was having a LOT of trouble moving his arms and legs. At this point she knew what happened and she screamed at the top of her lungs to a woman who was within sight to dial 911, and she floated him to slightly more shallow water and waited with him for EMS. If Cameron had been by himself, or if less observant or experienced people had been there, he’d most likely NOT be with us now.
We got to go in two at a time to visit him, for a few minutes each. They’ve got him mildly sedated because his head is in a “halo” in order to prevent movement. I went in with my oldest son Ben and we prayed for him and just told him we were glad he was alive! He was happy to see us and told us he loved us. He’s FULLY AWARE that he did something unwise, but his joy is INTACT. Molly didn’t go in. She just couldn’t do it. Cameron spends a fair amount of time at our house and it really hit home with Molly. Being an RN, she sees this sort of thing a LOT and it was just too much for her to see one of her own like this. But she visited and encouraged the Horner family.
He can’t swallow correctly just yet. They expect that will clear up as soon as the swelling in his neck decreases. They’re feeding him through an NG tube. He has motor control of his arms, but fine motor control of his hands just hasn’t returned yet. His right hand is better than his left. He was almost able to form a handshake with his right hand, but the left hand just won’t cooperate.
Christina told me that he dove into 4’ 8” of water. She and I think that his arms must have already been down past his head and that he struck his head on the top toward the front. He has NO markings on his forehead or top of his head from hitting anything and I asked him WHERE he plowed into the bottom! He said he just didn’t know! Christina said that the bottom was packed sand.
Several of us feel that he’ll walk out of the rehab center in Atlanta. I don’t know why we feel this way, but we do. At this point though there’s nothing any of us can do except help his family and keep him and them all up in prayer before The Lord.
I’ll keep you guys posted and thanks for praying.
… Kev
Aug 12, 2011
A young man by the name of Cameron Horner is believe to have broken his neck and currently the reports are that he can't move anything below his waist. This was due to a diving accident that happened yesterday and it is too early to know anything for sure.
Cameron is a good friend of my buddy Kevin Knox's son Jake. He's also very close to the entire Knox clan. I've met this young man a few times and he is a quality young man. I believe if you met him, you'd be glad you did.
Praise God that his mother had the wisdom to pull him from the water and that there was anyone even there to pull him from the water.
Pray for comfort and courage for his family and Christina the young lady Cameron is courting.
Pray for Cameron to rely on the Lord and not be afraid.
Pray for Cameron to remember that God is Sovereign.
Pray for the doctors to be brilliant.
Pray for everyone to have faith in God's will and His power.
A young man by the name of Cameron Horner is believe to have broken his neck and currently the reports are that he can't move anything below his waist. This was due to a diving accident that happened yesterday and it is too early to know anything for sure.
Cameron is a good friend of my buddy Kevin Knox's son Jake. He's also very close to the entire Knox clan. I've met this young man a few times and he is a quality young man. I believe if you met him, you'd be glad you did.
Praise God that his mother had the wisdom to pull him from the water and that there was anyone even there to pull him from the water.
Pray for comfort and courage for his family and Christina the young lady Cameron is courting.
Pray for Cameron to rely on the Lord and not be afraid.
Pray for Cameron to remember that God is Sovereign.
Pray for the doctors to be brilliant.
Pray for everyone to have faith in God's will and His power.
Jul 20, 2011
Men, during my daily Bible reading plan, I was in James chapter 4. Again, it is hard to be in the book of James and not find a juicy, meaty piece of truth that you can really chew on for a while. The particular verse that got me this morning was James 4:4 You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
Reading this verse made me stop and think of the constant barrage from the world to be "tolerant." You ever see those bumper stickers that spell out the word tolerance with the different symbols of different religions? Ever wonder what tolerance Really means? Webster's dictionary defines it for the world in several different ways:
I don't know about you guys, but that last one is the scariest of them all. Just replace the parenthesis with (the world) and think of the body as the Body of Christ and I think you will see why I say its scary.
But what does God's Word say about "Tolerance?" The word tolerance is translated from the word anochē. Vines Expository Dictionary defines it as "a holding back." It denotes "forbearance"...a delay of punishment. In Romans 3:25 Paul is talking of God's forbearance with men; forbearance is the ground, not for His forgiveness, but His withholding of punishment. In Romans 2:4 His forbearance represents a suspension of wrath which eventually must be exercised unless the sinner accepts God's conditions.
The world wants you to believe that you are a bigot, a racist, even hateful unless you are tolerant of the beliefs of others; to the world, tolerance means you have to accept these other belief systems or else you're not much of a Christian. So what are we as Christians supposed to do with that? Aren't we supposed to love our neighbor...even love our enemy? YES!! Emphatically YES!! I encourage you to follow your Heavenly Father's lead in ALL things, but particularly in the case of "tolerance." This is why He gave us His standard in His written word and His word says in James 4:4...friendship with the world = enemy of God. I don't know about you guys...but I do NOT want to be an enemy of God.
Reading this verse made me stop and think of the constant barrage from the world to be "tolerant." You ever see those bumper stickers that spell out the word tolerance with the different symbols of different religions? Ever wonder what tolerance Really means? Webster's dictionary defines it for the world in several different ways:
- capacity to endure pain or hardship : endurance, fortitude, stamina
- sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own
- the act of allowing something : toleration
- the allowable deviation from a standard; especial
- the capacity of the body to endure or become less responsive to a substance (as a drug) or a physiological insult especially with repeated use or exposure
But what does God's Word say about "Tolerance?" The word tolerance is translated from the word anochē. Vines Expository Dictionary defines it as "a holding back." It denotes "forbearance"...a delay of punishment. In Romans 3:25 Paul is talking of God's forbearance with men; forbearance is the ground, not for His forgiveness, but His withholding of punishment. In Romans 2:4 His forbearance represents a suspension of wrath which eventually must be exercised unless the sinner accepts God's conditions.
The world wants you to believe that you are a bigot, a racist, even hateful unless you are tolerant of the beliefs of others; to the world, tolerance means you have to accept these other belief systems or else you're not much of a Christian. So what are we as Christians supposed to do with that? Aren't we supposed to love our neighbor...even love our enemy? YES!! Emphatically YES!! I encourage you to follow your Heavenly Father's lead in ALL things, but particularly in the case of "tolerance." This is why He gave us His standard in His written word and His word says in James 4:4...friendship with the world = enemy of God. I don't know about you guys...but I do NOT want to be an enemy of God.
Jul 18, 2011
You kiss your mother with that mouth???
During my quiet time this morning I was in James chapter 3. How infinitely hard not to be convicted by reading the book of James? In fact, if you're not convicted by the book of James, you're lying to yourself and you need to take a closer look in the mirror called "the Bible." James 3:1-12 is about "The Tongue of Fire." James is exhorting his audience that just as a small fire, sets aflame a great forest fire, "the tongue is set among our members as that which defiles the entire body, and sets on fire the course of our life, and is set on fire by hell."
In verses 9-11, he is pointing out the same mouth that blesses the Lord, curses men. These verses are probably the most painful verses in James. How can we taste the sweetness of the Father's name and chase it with the bitterness of cursing other men? After all, aren't ALL men "made in the likeness of God? Isn't man the crowning glory of His creation? How hypocritical of us, especially Christians, to curse others when before Jesus, we were just as worthy of such curses?
Men...I challenge you to read James 3 today and challenge yourself to bridle your tongue.
With all His love in me,
During my quiet time this morning I was in James chapter 3. How infinitely hard not to be convicted by reading the book of James? In fact, if you're not convicted by the book of James, you're lying to yourself and you need to take a closer look in the mirror called "the Bible." James 3:1-12 is about "The Tongue of Fire." James is exhorting his audience that just as a small fire, sets aflame a great forest fire, "the tongue is set among our members as that which defiles the entire body, and sets on fire the course of our life, and is set on fire by hell."
In verses 9-11, he is pointing out the same mouth that blesses the Lord, curses men. These verses are probably the most painful verses in James. How can we taste the sweetness of the Father's name and chase it with the bitterness of cursing other men? After all, aren't ALL men "made in the likeness of God? Isn't man the crowning glory of His creation? How hypocritical of us, especially Christians, to curse others when before Jesus, we were just as worthy of such curses?
Men...I challenge you to read James 3 today and challenge yourself to bridle your tongue.
With all His love in me,
May 20, 2011
Are You Salty??
I was listening this morning (as I do every morning just about) to Wisdom for the Heart by Stephen Davy, and he was delivering a message from his series "The Depravity of Man...The Deliverance of God." This series is an incredible explanation of the depravity of man as Paul describes in Romans 3:10-18. Stephen "pulls off the blindfold to reveal the true condition of man." It's a great tool for evangelizing because it is "far from depressing, because an honest self-understanding is the beginning of hope...hope in the One who can truly deliver."
The message today was entitled, "Seasonings of the Tongue." In this message he is teaching about the "Divine Diagnosis of Mankind's Mouth," a reference to Romans 3:13 "Their throat is an open grave, with their tongues they keep on deceiving, the poison of asps is on their lips." He lists several different kinds of tongues:
• a flattering tongue (Psalm 5:9),
• a proud tongue (Psalm 12:3),
• a lying tongue (Proverbs 6:17),
• a deceitful tongue (Psalm 120:2),
• a perverted tongue (Proverbs 10:31),
• a wicked tongue (Psalm 10:7),
• a soothing tongue (Proverbs 15:4),
• a destructive tongue (Proverbs 17:4),
• a gossiping tongue (Proverbs 25:23).
He goes on to say "It is the tongue which:
• makes or breaks apart a marriage,
• makes a home a pleasant environment or a desert,
• makes friends or loses them,
• strengthens a church or divides it,
• attracts people to Christ or repels them,
• honors God or curses Him.
Stephen continues throughout this message describing the deception, the untold damage, the internal despair that the tongue inflicts and reveals. Then he reminded us of Jesus' words in Matthew 12:34 "...the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart." DAGGER!!!!! It is heart wrenching for me to think of my life before knowing Jesus and the things that my tongue has done. It is shameful to think of the things that my tongue SINCE I've been walking with the Lord.
But then Stephen closes with a lesson of how we SHOULD live. Colossians 4:6 says "Let your speech always be gracious, as though seasoned with salt..." He explains how important the use of Salt is. In Pauls day it was "akin to treasure." It was used as currency in the market place. Roman soldiers were paid in salt. That's where we get the phrase, "a man's gotta be worth his salt." Salt was valuable. Stephen says "Just as salt makes food more palatable by enhancing the natural flavor of food, so choice words, used appropriately, enhance a person's reputation as being a gracious person." He goes on to list some valuable words for us to use often and abundantly and I wanted to share them with you:
PLEASE - "When you say please, you are revealing humility and you are treating the other person, not as an object placed on earth to serve you, but as a person with dignity and honor."
Thank you - "When was the last time you thanked your wife for dinner. Told her that it was delicious."
I appreciate you - " Talk about a treasure in words. Like flavoring to food – so these words bring spice and flavor to the heart."
I am sorry...I was wrong - "What rare words. There are no loopholes in these words; there is
no escape clause; there are no excuses – just full admission."
I forgive you - "Perhaps there are no more powerful words in the human language than those. There might be a marriage that would instantly begin to heal, if those words were spoken. There might be a relationship between a son and a father, business associates, two believers caught in conflict, whose lives would once again enjoy the flavor of life itself, if those words were spoken."
Stephen shares an old prayer with us..." O Lord, fill my mouth with worthwhile stuff, and then nudge me when I’ve said enough.”
I have a question for you Men...ARE YOU SALTY?
I was listening this morning (as I do every morning just about) to Wisdom for the Heart by Stephen Davy, and he was delivering a message from his series "The Depravity of Man...The Deliverance of God." This series is an incredible explanation of the depravity of man as Paul describes in Romans 3:10-18. Stephen "pulls off the blindfold to reveal the true condition of man." It's a great tool for evangelizing because it is "far from depressing, because an honest self-understanding is the beginning of hope...hope in the One who can truly deliver."
The message today was entitled, "Seasonings of the Tongue." In this message he is teaching about the "Divine Diagnosis of Mankind's Mouth," a reference to Romans 3:13 "Their throat is an open grave, with their tongues they keep on deceiving, the poison of asps is on their lips." He lists several different kinds of tongues:
• a flattering tongue (Psalm 5:9),
• a proud tongue (Psalm 12:3),
• a lying tongue (Proverbs 6:17),
• a deceitful tongue (Psalm 120:2),
• a perverted tongue (Proverbs 10:31),
• a wicked tongue (Psalm 10:7),
• a soothing tongue (Proverbs 15:4),
• a destructive tongue (Proverbs 17:4),
• a gossiping tongue (Proverbs 25:23).
He goes on to say "It is the tongue which:
• makes or breaks apart a marriage,
• makes a home a pleasant environment or a desert,
• makes friends or loses them,
• strengthens a church or divides it,
• attracts people to Christ or repels them,
• honors God or curses Him.
Stephen continues throughout this message describing the deception, the untold damage, the internal despair that the tongue inflicts and reveals. Then he reminded us of Jesus' words in Matthew 12:34 "...the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart." DAGGER!!!!! It is heart wrenching for me to think of my life before knowing Jesus and the things that my tongue has done. It is shameful to think of the things that my tongue SINCE I've been walking with the Lord.
But then Stephen closes with a lesson of how we SHOULD live. Colossians 4:6 says "Let your speech always be gracious, as though seasoned with salt..." He explains how important the use of Salt is. In Pauls day it was "akin to treasure." It was used as currency in the market place. Roman soldiers were paid in salt. That's where we get the phrase, "a man's gotta be worth his salt." Salt was valuable. Stephen says "Just as salt makes food more palatable by enhancing the natural flavor of food, so choice words, used appropriately, enhance a person's reputation as being a gracious person." He goes on to list some valuable words for us to use often and abundantly and I wanted to share them with you:
PLEASE - "When you say please, you are revealing humility and you are treating the other person, not as an object placed on earth to serve you, but as a person with dignity and honor."
Thank you - "When was the last time you thanked your wife for dinner. Told her that it was delicious."
I appreciate you - " Talk about a treasure in words. Like flavoring to food – so these words bring spice and flavor to the heart."
I am sorry...I was wrong - "What rare words. There are no loopholes in these words; there is
no escape clause; there are no excuses – just full admission."
I forgive you - "Perhaps there are no more powerful words in the human language than those. There might be a marriage that would instantly begin to heal, if those words were spoken. There might be a relationship between a son and a father, business associates, two believers caught in conflict, whose lives would once again enjoy the flavor of life itself, if those words were spoken."
Stephen shares an old prayer with us..." O Lord, fill my mouth with worthwhile stuff, and then nudge me when I’ve said enough.”
I have a question for you Men...ARE YOU SALTY?
Apr 26, 2011
Fresh Start - That's Gonna Hurt In The Morning!!!
[By Andy Richardson]
Men, if you can read this one and not be convicted...makes you go hmmmmmm.
Priorities matter. God before self. Service before pleasure. The temptation, though, is to reverse your priorities so that all you give to God and others the leftovers. After you have filled your savings account and paid your retirement funds and fixed up your house, then you will see what’s left for others and to share with God. After you mow the lawn and paint the kitchen you, then you will think about serving over at the church.
• Ask God to shake up your priorities today.
The prophet put it this way, “consider your ways” (Haggai 1:7). When Haggai finally made it back to Jerusalem from exile, the people were indulging themselves and neglecting God’s worship. They had houses with paneled walls, but the Temple lay in ruins. Their priorities were backwards, and God was greatly displeased with them. What about you? Do you need to reorder your life so that it honors God more and you less? Don’t wait any longer... consider your ways carefully, today.
Men, if you can read this one and not be convicted...makes you go hmmmmmm.
Priorities matter. God before self. Service before pleasure. The temptation, though, is to reverse your priorities so that all you give to God and others the leftovers. After you have filled your savings account and paid your retirement funds and fixed up your house, then you will see what’s left for others and to share with God. After you mow the lawn and paint the kitchen you, then you will think about serving over at the church.
• Ask God to shake up your priorities today.
The prophet put it this way, “consider your ways” (Haggai 1:7). When Haggai finally made it back to Jerusalem from exile, the people were indulging themselves and neglecting God’s worship. They had houses with paneled walls, but the Temple lay in ruins. Their priorities were backwards, and God was greatly displeased with them. What about you? Do you need to reorder your life so that it honors God more and you less? Don’t wait any longer... consider your ways carefully, today.
Apr 24, 2011
What He did not do!
Glory Hallelujah He is Risen!!! He is Risen indeed! Those of us who know the Lord are celebrating this day because it is the day that our Savior beat death and demonstrated His Glory by rising from the dead JUST LIKE HE SAID HE WOULD! Why did He go to the cross for us? He went to the cross to save us from our sins, past present and future. He went to the cross to redeem us. He went to the cross to restore our fellowship with God the Father. He went to the cross to do that which we could not do for ourselves...pay the price for our own sin..."For the wages of sin is death..." Romans 6:23 Praise God that He loved us so much that He sent His only begotten son so that we would not perish but have eternal life.
But on this day of celebration, do we forget what He did NOT do for us? He did not crush us for the sins we committed yesterday, or the day before or the day before...instead...He crushed His son.
The thought of what He did not do to me, that which I deserved, makes what he DID do for me, that which I did not deserve, so entirely more beautiful and wonderful.
But on this day of celebration, do we forget what He did NOT do for us? He did not crush us for the sins we committed yesterday, or the day before or the day before...instead...He crushed His son.
The thought of what He did not do to me, that which I deserved, makes what he DID do for me, that which I did not deserve, so entirely more beautiful and wonderful.
Apr 18, 2011
Despite being 1/4 of mile away from the destructive path of a tornado that hit Raleigh this past Saturday, PRAISE GOD, we are safe and uneffected. We lost power for less than 24 hours and there are no signs in our immediate neighborhood that a tornado passed through. Unbelievable!
HOWEVER, the damage that did occur near us is pretty bad. One of the main roads (right around the corner) into the heart of the city is still blocked off and there are many businesses that got demolished.
Who knew NC could be a place of almost 90+ tornadoes in one day. We are not in Kansas anymore.
HOWEVER, the damage that did occur near us is pretty bad. One of the main roads (right around the corner) into the heart of the city is still blocked off and there are many businesses that got demolished.
Who knew NC could be a place of almost 90+ tornadoes in one day. We are not in Kansas anymore.
Below is the video
Apr 14, 2011
Fresh Start - Heal My Heart O Lord!
[By Andy Richardson]
I’m going home from the hospital today after receiving emergency heart treatment. God gave me a great medical team who pulled me back from the brink just in the nick of time. They also burned out some nerves in my heart that have been troubling me since birth, so that hopefully, I won’t struggle so much in the future. I thank each of you for your concern and your prayers.
• Ask God to heal your heart today with His love and His grace.
God loves to do heart surgery of the spiritual kind, too. The Psalmist put it this way, “Create in me a clean heart, O Lord, and renew a steadfast spirit in me” (Psalm 51:10). If you are like me, you probably minimize the seriousness of your heart problem, but God doesn’t. He calls it sin. But, the good news is that He wants to heal your heart if you will just let Him. Read His word today, and ask His Spirit to show you where those damaged nerves are in your heart of hearts. As soon as He sets things right again, you will be ready to go home too!
I know that I speak for many people when I say...WELCOME HOME ANDY!
I’m going home from the hospital today after receiving emergency heart treatment. God gave me a great medical team who pulled me back from the brink just in the nick of time. They also burned out some nerves in my heart that have been troubling me since birth, so that hopefully, I won’t struggle so much in the future. I thank each of you for your concern and your prayers.
• Ask God to heal your heart today with His love and His grace.
God loves to do heart surgery of the spiritual kind, too. The Psalmist put it this way, “Create in me a clean heart, O Lord, and renew a steadfast spirit in me” (Psalm 51:10). If you are like me, you probably minimize the seriousness of your heart problem, but God doesn’t. He calls it sin. But, the good news is that He wants to heal your heart if you will just let Him. Read His word today, and ask His Spirit to show you where those damaged nerves are in your heart of hearts. As soon as He sets things right again, you will be ready to go home too!
I know that I speak for many people when I say...WELCOME HOME ANDY!
Apr 13, 2011
Mar 27, 2011
I was having a conversation with a buddy of mine that I care deeply for. I was sharing with him about some struggles that I am experiencing. As we talked through it, I was explaining to him that I was in a spiritual valley. Not that I had fallen away, or that I am running away from God, but that I felt this distance from Him. I mentioned the same thing to my wife and she recalled somebody telling her "when we don't feel close to God, it isn't Him that has moved." PROFOUND words I must say.
Back to my conversation with my buddy. He told me about a book he's reading "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan. If you've never read or listened to Francis Chan, his messages are usually about the AWESOMENESS of our creator. I once listened to a podcast of his sermon where he spoke about how we get it twisted about how significant we think we are. In his book, he's given a description of the totality of God's creation. I quote "Why would God create more than 350,000,000,000 galaxies that generations of people never saw or even knew existed? Do you think maybe it was to make us say, 'Wow, God is unfathomably big?' Or perhaps God wanted us to see these pictures so that our response would be, 'Who do I think I am?'"
Chan quotes R. C. Sproul, "Men are never duly touched and impressed with a conviction of their insignificance, until they have contrasted themselves with the majesty of God."
Today in church I was struck by a point the pastor made about Jesus' primary mission coming to earth was SPIRITUAL healing, and His secondary mission was physical healing. He said our prayers for healing our suffering, strife, turmoil, broken marriages etc. even today are secondary on His priority for our lives. He wants to restore our relationship with God.
All this ties together for me and leads to the question, "Who do I think I am." Who do I think I am that I would determine to be my own God in control of my life and able to handle my trials myself. How can I "contrast myself with the majesty of God" and think that He is not big enough for my trials and that I have to handle them myself?
Just like the opening words of Chan's first chapter, I encourage you all to "take a long, hard look at God before you speak a single word to Him...The wise man comes to God without saying a word and stands in awe of Him" and see if you don't scream out this question, "WHO DO I THINK I AM??!!!"
I was having a conversation with a buddy of mine that I care deeply for. I was sharing with him about some struggles that I am experiencing. As we talked through it, I was explaining to him that I was in a spiritual valley. Not that I had fallen away, or that I am running away from God, but that I felt this distance from Him. I mentioned the same thing to my wife and she recalled somebody telling her "when we don't feel close to God, it isn't Him that has moved." PROFOUND words I must say.
Back to my conversation with my buddy. He told me about a book he's reading "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan. If you've never read or listened to Francis Chan, his messages are usually about the AWESOMENESS of our creator. I once listened to a podcast of his sermon where he spoke about how we get it twisted about how significant we think we are. In his book, he's given a description of the totality of God's creation. I quote "Why would God create more than 350,000,000,000 galaxies that generations of people never saw or even knew existed? Do you think maybe it was to make us say, 'Wow, God is unfathomably big?' Or perhaps God wanted us to see these pictures so that our response would be, 'Who do I think I am?'"
Chan quotes R. C. Sproul, "Men are never duly touched and impressed with a conviction of their insignificance, until they have contrasted themselves with the majesty of God."
Today in church I was struck by a point the pastor made about Jesus' primary mission coming to earth was SPIRITUAL healing, and His secondary mission was physical healing. He said our prayers for healing our suffering, strife, turmoil, broken marriages etc. even today are secondary on His priority for our lives. He wants to restore our relationship with God.
All this ties together for me and leads to the question, "Who do I think I am." Who do I think I am that I would determine to be my own God in control of my life and able to handle my trials myself. How can I "contrast myself with the majesty of God" and think that He is not big enough for my trials and that I have to handle them myself?
Just like the opening words of Chan's first chapter, I encourage you all to "take a long, hard look at God before you speak a single word to Him...The wise man comes to God without saying a word and stands in awe of Him" and see if you don't scream out this question, "WHO DO I THINK I AM??!!!"
Feb 23, 2011
Biblical Headship - Truth #1
In blog post entitled "Husbands: Headship Means Taking the Lead in Reconciliation" Justin Taylor quotes some profound points regarding Biblical Headship made by John Piper that I thought all of you would find interesting. I am often encouraging men that we need to be constant pursuers of our wives, regardless of the circumstance. PRIDE is the only thing that prevents us from seeking to restore fellowship with our wives and you know what pride leads to. You fill in the blank.
Leadership means we must take the lead in reconciliation.I don’t mean that wives should never say they are sorry. But in the relation between Christ and his church, who took the initiative to make all things new?
Who left the comfort and security of his throne of justice to put mercy to work at Calvary?
Who came back to Peter first after three denials?
Who has returned to you again and again forgiving you and offering his fellowship afresh?
So husbands, your headship means: Go ahead. Take the lead. It does not matter if it is her fault. That didn’t stop Christ.
Who will break the icy silence first?
Who will choke out the words, “I’m sorry, I want it to be better”?
Or: “Can we talk? I’d like things to be better.”
She might beat you to it. That’s okay. But woe to you if you think that, since it’s her fault, she’s obliged to say the first reconciling word. Headship is not easy. It is the hardest, most humbling work in the world. Protect your family. Strive, as much as it lies within you, to make peace before the sun goes down.
"In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry," Ephesians 4:26
Leadership means we must take the lead in reconciliation.I don’t mean that wives should never say they are sorry. But in the relation between Christ and his church, who took the initiative to make all things new?
Who left the comfort and security of his throne of justice to put mercy to work at Calvary?
Who came back to Peter first after three denials?
Who has returned to you again and again forgiving you and offering his fellowship afresh?
So husbands, your headship means: Go ahead. Take the lead. It does not matter if it is her fault. That didn’t stop Christ.
Who will break the icy silence first?
Who will choke out the words, “I’m sorry, I want it to be better”?
Or: “Can we talk? I’d like things to be better.”
She might beat you to it. That’s okay. But woe to you if you think that, since it’s her fault, she’s obliged to say the first reconciling word. Headship is not easy. It is the hardest, most humbling work in the world. Protect your family. Strive, as much as it lies within you, to make peace before the sun goes down.
"In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry," Ephesians 4:26
Feb 22, 2011
Fresh Start - God is in the Restoration Business
[By Andy Richardson]
God loves to fix things. Sometimes our lives are broken because of sin and judgment. Sometimes the world falls apart all around us. But, no matter what the case, God wants to make a new future for His people. The prophet spoke of this desire of God to the nation of Judah: “So I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten” (Joel 2:25).
Pray that you will trust God for your future, no matter how you messed up your past.
God specializes in overcoming our mistakes. You say that we must reap what we sow, and that is true. Nevertheless, God is still in the restoration business. Have you given up trusting that Jesus can bring good out of the bad? Have you forgotten that He “causes all things to work together for good to those who love God” (Romans 8:28)? The locusts are full and have eaten enough. God already has the new grain growing again. Don’t doubt it for a moment.
God loves to fix things. Sometimes our lives are broken because of sin and judgment. Sometimes the world falls apart all around us. But, no matter what the case, God wants to make a new future for His people. The prophet spoke of this desire of God to the nation of Judah: “So I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten” (Joel 2:25).
Pray that you will trust God for your future, no matter how you messed up your past.
God specializes in overcoming our mistakes. You say that we must reap what we sow, and that is true. Nevertheless, God is still in the restoration business. Have you given up trusting that Jesus can bring good out of the bad? Have you forgotten that He “causes all things to work together for good to those who love God” (Romans 8:28)? The locusts are full and have eaten enough. God already has the new grain growing again. Don’t doubt it for a moment.
Feb 14, 2011
New Pledge of Allegiance
Since the Pledge of Allegiance And The Lord's Prayer are not allowed in most Public schools anymore because the word 'God' is mentioned..... a kid in Arizona wrote the attached.
Now I sit me down in school
Where praying is against the rule
For this great nation under God
Finds mention of Him very odd.
If scripture now the class recites,
It violates the Bill of Rights.
And anytime my head I bow
Becomes a Federal matter now.
Our hair can be purple, orange or green,
That's no offense; it's a freedom scene..
The law is specific, the law is precise.
Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.
For praying in a public hall
Might offend someone with no faith at all..
In silence alone we must meditate,
God's name is prohibited by the state.
We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,
And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks...
They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible.
To quote the Good Book makes me liable.
We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,
And the 'unwed daddy,' our Senior King.
It's 'inappropriate' to teach right from wrong,
We're taught that such 'judgments' do not belong..
We can get our condoms and birth controls,
Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles..
But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,
No word of God must reach this crowd.
It's scary here I must confess,
When chaos reigns the school's a mess.
So, Lord, this silent plea I make:
Should I be shot; My soul please take!
Now I sit me down in school
Where praying is against the rule
For this great nation under God
Finds mention of Him very odd.
If scripture now the class recites,
It violates the Bill of Rights.
And anytime my head I bow
Becomes a Federal matter now.
Our hair can be purple, orange or green,
That's no offense; it's a freedom scene..
The law is specific, the law is precise.
Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.
For praying in a public hall
Might offend someone with no faith at all..
In silence alone we must meditate,
God's name is prohibited by the state.
We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,
And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks...
They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible.
To quote the Good Book makes me liable.
We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,
And the 'unwed daddy,' our Senior King.
It's 'inappropriate' to teach right from wrong,
We're taught that such 'judgments' do not belong..
We can get our condoms and birth controls,
Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles..
But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,
No word of God must reach this crowd.
It's scary here I must confess,
When chaos reigns the school's a mess.
So, Lord, this silent plea I make:
Should I be shot; My soul please take!
Feb 12, 2011
κόσμος (Kosmos)
John MacArthur is a prolific Christian author. He has written numerous commentaries and study guides. I've been studying the book of James lately using MacArthur's study guide James: Guidelines for a Happy Christian Life. In the chapter covering verses 4:1-12, James is addressing one's attitude toward the world. MacArthur says "the central truth in this passage is, 'Friendship with the world is enmity with God (4:4).'" There are several great points to MacArthur's commentary on this portion of text I thought I'd share with you, but first let me give you MacArthur's explanation of the word "The World."
The World: The Greek word used here is Kosmos. It does not refer to the physical earth or universe but rather to the spiritual reality of the man-centered, satan directed system of this present age, which is hostile to God and God's people.
1. A continuing, habitual friendship with the world is grounded in human wisdom and is evidence of unbelief.
2. The goal of the world is self-glory, self-fulfillment, self-indulgence, self-satisfaction, and every other form of self-serving, all of which amounts to hostility towards God.
3. The world's philosophies, ideologies and much that it offers may appear attractive and appealing, but that is deception.
4. True joy, peace, happiness, meaning, hope and fulfillment in life come only from God; unbelievers are unwilling to ask for them on God's terms because they refuse to submit to Him or acknowledge their dependence on Him.
5. Those with a deep and intimate longing for the things of the world give evidence that they are not redeemed.
6. Those that live in worldly lusts give evidence that their faith is not genuine.
7. All people are either under the lordship of Christ or the lordship of satan; there is NO middle ground.
MacArthur ends the chapters of this commentary with the "Truth for Today" and so I will end this post with this chapter's "Truth for Today."
"Friendship with the world and friendship with God are mutually exclusive. Christians have a nature so utterly distinct form the lovers of the world, the followers of satan, that they should never entertain any of the ways or hold any of the loyalties that characterize unbelievers. For believers to pursue worldly things goes against the grain of their new nature, and they cannot be comfortable or satisfied until they renounce those things and return to their first love."
The World: The Greek word used here is Kosmos. It does not refer to the physical earth or universe but rather to the spiritual reality of the man-centered, satan directed system of this present age, which is hostile to God and God's people.
1. A continuing, habitual friendship with the world is grounded in human wisdom and is evidence of unbelief.
2. The goal of the world is self-glory, self-fulfillment, self-indulgence, self-satisfaction, and every other form of self-serving, all of which amounts to hostility towards God.
3. The world's philosophies, ideologies and much that it offers may appear attractive and appealing, but that is deception.
4. True joy, peace, happiness, meaning, hope and fulfillment in life come only from God; unbelievers are unwilling to ask for them on God's terms because they refuse to submit to Him or acknowledge their dependence on Him.
5. Those with a deep and intimate longing for the things of the world give evidence that they are not redeemed.
6. Those that live in worldly lusts give evidence that their faith is not genuine.
7. All people are either under the lordship of Christ or the lordship of satan; there is NO middle ground.
MacArthur ends the chapters of this commentary with the "Truth for Today" and so I will end this post with this chapter's "Truth for Today."
"Friendship with the world and friendship with God are mutually exclusive. Christians have a nature so utterly distinct form the lovers of the world, the followers of satan, that they should never entertain any of the ways or hold any of the loyalties that characterize unbelievers. For believers to pursue worldly things goes against the grain of their new nature, and they cannot be comfortable or satisfied until they renounce those things and return to their first love."