[By Andy Richardson]
Men, if you can read this one and not be convicted...makes you go hmmmmmm.
Priorities matter. God before self. Service before pleasure. The temptation, though, is to reverse your priorities so that all you give to God and others the leftovers. After you have filled your savings account and paid your retirement funds and fixed up your house, then you will see what’s left for others and to share with God. After you mow the lawn and paint the kitchen you, then you will think about serving over at the church.
• Ask God to shake up your priorities today.
The prophet put it this way, “consider your ways” (Haggai 1:7). When Haggai finally made it back to Jerusalem from exile, the people were indulging themselves and neglecting God’s worship. They had houses with paneled walls, but the Temple lay in ruins. Their priorities were backwards, and God was greatly displeased with them. What about you? Do you need to reorder your life so that it honors God more and you less? Don’t wait any longer... consider your ways carefully, today.
Apr 24, 2011
What He did not do!
Glory Hallelujah He is Risen!!! He is Risen indeed! Those of us who know the Lord are celebrating this day because it is the day that our Savior beat death and demonstrated His Glory by rising from the dead JUST LIKE HE SAID HE WOULD! Why did He go to the cross for us? He went to the cross to save us from our sins, past present and future. He went to the cross to redeem us. He went to the cross to restore our fellowship with God the Father. He went to the cross to do that which we could not do for ourselves...pay the price for our own sin..."For the wages of sin is death..." Romans 6:23 Praise God that He loved us so much that He sent His only begotten son so that we would not perish but have eternal life.
But on this day of celebration, do we forget what He did NOT do for us? He did not crush us for the sins we committed yesterday, or the day before or the day before...instead...He crushed His son.
The thought of what He did not do to me, that which I deserved, makes what he DID do for me, that which I did not deserve, so entirely more beautiful and wonderful.
But on this day of celebration, do we forget what He did NOT do for us? He did not crush us for the sins we committed yesterday, or the day before or the day before...instead...He crushed His son.
The thought of what He did not do to me, that which I deserved, makes what he DID do for me, that which I did not deserve, so entirely more beautiful and wonderful.
Apr 18, 2011
Despite being 1/4 of mile away from the destructive path of a tornado that hit Raleigh this past Saturday, PRAISE GOD, we are safe and uneffected. We lost power for less than 24 hours and there are no signs in our immediate neighborhood that a tornado passed through. Unbelievable!
HOWEVER, the damage that did occur near us is pretty bad. One of the main roads (right around the corner) into the heart of the city is still blocked off and there are many businesses that got demolished.
Who knew NC could be a place of almost 90+ tornadoes in one day. We are not in Kansas anymore.
HOWEVER, the damage that did occur near us is pretty bad. One of the main roads (right around the corner) into the heart of the city is still blocked off and there are many businesses that got demolished.
Who knew NC could be a place of almost 90+ tornadoes in one day. We are not in Kansas anymore.
Below is the video
Apr 14, 2011
Fresh Start - Heal My Heart O Lord!
[By Andy Richardson]
I’m going home from the hospital today after receiving emergency heart treatment. God gave me a great medical team who pulled me back from the brink just in the nick of time. They also burned out some nerves in my heart that have been troubling me since birth, so that hopefully, I won’t struggle so much in the future. I thank each of you for your concern and your prayers.
• Ask God to heal your heart today with His love and His grace.
God loves to do heart surgery of the spiritual kind, too. The Psalmist put it this way, “Create in me a clean heart, O Lord, and renew a steadfast spirit in me” (Psalm 51:10). If you are like me, you probably minimize the seriousness of your heart problem, but God doesn’t. He calls it sin. But, the good news is that He wants to heal your heart if you will just let Him. Read His word today, and ask His Spirit to show you where those damaged nerves are in your heart of hearts. As soon as He sets things right again, you will be ready to go home too!
I know that I speak for many people when I say...WELCOME HOME ANDY!
I’m going home from the hospital today after receiving emergency heart treatment. God gave me a great medical team who pulled me back from the brink just in the nick of time. They also burned out some nerves in my heart that have been troubling me since birth, so that hopefully, I won’t struggle so much in the future. I thank each of you for your concern and your prayers.
• Ask God to heal your heart today with His love and His grace.
God loves to do heart surgery of the spiritual kind, too. The Psalmist put it this way, “Create in me a clean heart, O Lord, and renew a steadfast spirit in me” (Psalm 51:10). If you are like me, you probably minimize the seriousness of your heart problem, but God doesn’t. He calls it sin. But, the good news is that He wants to heal your heart if you will just let Him. Read His word today, and ask His Spirit to show you where those damaged nerves are in your heart of hearts. As soon as He sets things right again, you will be ready to go home too!
I know that I speak for many people when I say...WELCOME HOME ANDY!