I can't count the times that I have used Romans 8:28 to comfort other believers in their struggles. I'd say "take courage because we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." I'm here to tell you that God has informed me, through my Pastor Stephen Davey's Wisdom for the Heart message, that I am misusing that verse. I think it is important for me, and you, to hear/read this message entitled "What It Is Not!" During today's segment of this teaching, he describes what Romans 8:28 does NOT mean.
Here is a brief excerpt Steve teaches Romans 8:28 does not mean:
1. Romans 8:28 is not a precise explanation for suffering. Paul does not provide a quick answer for the grieving. This verse is not a band-aide for you to try to stick on some suffering believer. In fact, this verse does not pretend to solve the riddles of life. Furthermore, this verse does not even attempt to answer the questions that begin with the word, “Why?”
2. Romans 8:28 is not an explanation for suffering and it is, secondly, not a prohibition against sorrow. Have you ever heard a Christian say to another believer, “Now don’t cry . . . remember, Romans 8:28!” The motto of many in the church is, “Deep Christians don’t cry!” Well, if that is the case, then Jesus Christ failed miserably outside Lazarus’ tomb where He wept openly. And the crowd said in John, chapter 11, verse 36b, . . . See how He loved him! This verse in Romans is no biblical prohibition to grieving.
3. Romans 8:28 is not a pretext for avoiding the challenges of life. A believer is misguided who tells another, “Settle down . . . don’t get so excited about your passion for God and zeal for the Lord; He’s gonna do whatever He wants to do anyway, so why bother getting so fired up about accomplishing something for God?! He’s gonna work everything out!”
4. Romans 8:28 is not a permanent ticket to comfortable living. Paul has already reminded the believer in Romans 8:25 that we wait and actively hope with anticipation. Somebody might say, “Well, I’ve been asking God for His will for my life and I just don’t understand why He isn’t coming through.” While we may not know what the will of God is for our future, He has given us more than we are prepared to tackle, right now. Let me give you a few of them:
• obey your parents (Ephesians 6:1);
• if you are single, develop a romantic relationship with a believer only (I Corinthians 6:15);
• raise your children with an understanding of biblical and spiritual truth (Ephesians 6:4);
• provide for the physical needs of your family (I Timothy 5:8);
• work hard in your occupation (I Thessalonians 4:11-12);
• give to the Lord, His church, and His cause (II Corinthians 8-9);
• pray consistently and regularly (I Thessalonians 5:17);
Feeling convicted?? I certainly am