Apr 15, 2013

Theology: Yours vs. satan. Who's is better?


I'm guessing that looking at the title of this post your first reaction was a smile and the though..."that's easy, mine." Yeah...me too, until I read this devotional called "The Devil's Theology" by Stephen Davey for Wisdom for the Heart.  Click on the link to read for yourself.

What I found is that the devil, and his demons, know all the facts about God, knows the context and meaning of His Word, and by the way they were present and singing God's praises when He created the universe.

So, what's my point. My point, and the point of the devotional on James 2:19, is that our theology is not just about facts of God's history, knowing Bible verses and "believing" in God. Good theology is a personal relationship with Christ and here is the kicker:


I'm not bringing this to you to judge you, but to provoke you because I'm provoked by this devotional as well.

Doulos for Him,
