Jul 18, 2011

You kiss your mother with that mouth???


During my quiet time this morning I was in James chapter 3.  How infinitely hard not to be convicted by reading the book of James?  In fact, if you're not convicted by the book of James, you're lying to yourself and you need to take a closer look in the mirror called "the Bible."  James 3:1-12 is about "The Tongue of Fire."  James is exhorting his audience that just as a small fire, sets aflame a great forest fire, "the tongue is set among our members as that which defiles the entire body, and sets on fire the course of our life, and is set on fire by hell."  

In verses 9-11, he is pointing out the same mouth that blesses the Lord, curses men.  These verses are probably the most painful verses in James.  How can we taste the sweetness of the Father's name and chase it with the bitterness of cursing other men?  After all, aren't ALL men "made in the likeness of God?  Isn't man the crowning glory of His creation?  How hypocritical of us, especially Christians, to curse others when before Jesus, we were just as worthy of such curses?

Men...I challenge you to read James 3 today and challenge yourself to bridle your tongue.

With all His love in me,


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