Oct 19, 2011

Dulins and Team are Guatemala Bound


I am counting on you to be in prayer for me, my wife and our missions trip team as we prepare to head to Guatemala for a missions trip.  Below are a list of the activities and members.

Guatemala Team Members
Kelly Richardson
James Lashley
Andy Richardson
Diane Richardson
Travis Richardson
Rachel Miller
J.P. Polinsky
Dave Babb
David Babb
Jacque Dulin
Danny Dulin
Stewart Eastep
Tom Cooney

Saturday, October 22  Team members arrive in Guatemala City at various times throughout the day. Pray for coordination in pickup and transportation to the team staging area.  Pray also that all the dental supplies team members are transporting in their luggage will clear customs without any problems.

Sunday, October 23  Worship in Guatemala City at La Iglesia Camino Y Verdad, pastor Andy is preaching. The team will travel 4 hours into rugged highland terrain (6,000+ ft elevation) to Piedras Grandes, a village area.  Pray that there will be no rains and that the roads will be passable.

Monday-Tuesday, October 24-25  Dental clinic evangelism in Piedras Grandes. Pray for physical endurance for the dentists, patience for the team members supporting them, and wisdom and enthusiasm for the team evangelists. Pray that many people will respond in faith to the gospel.

Wednesday, October 26  Travel back to Guatemala City... safety.  Pray for Andy and Tom as they engage in pastoral counseling for an on-going situation for a local family in the church.

Thursday, October 27  Convoy into Ciudad Quetzal, a drug-gang controlled area of the city that is very dangerous.  The team will set up a dental clinic in a new church (Casa Mana) starting with mostly women and children.  Pray for a good response to the gospel and for safety coming back out at night

Friday, October 28  Convoy back to Ciudad Quetzal and the team’s preparations for a large children’s concert in the afternoon with Chochy Ruano, recording artist.  The team will canvas the neighborhood extending invitations to children for the concert, which could be both the most exciting and dangerous part of the whole trip.

Saturday, October 29  Pray for a safe return to the USA

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